Lords of War and Money - online game

Players online: 4,010

World of LordsWM online game


LordsWM is a non- commercial project, it is a free online service from gamers, for gamers. Every player is able to improve this free online game.


06.07  Villages are safe!

The reckless raid of the robbers, as expected, fizzled out. If at first someone was plagued by doubt, then as soon as the armies of the glorious Lords and Ladies of the Empire appeared on the horizon, the outcome was crystal clear. Although not for everyone. An... Details

06.06  Summer Promotion!

Dear Lords and Ladies! We are pleased to announce the start of our Special Summer Offer! From now on and up until June 12th, 2024 inclusive, with each diamonds purchase you will get additionally +10% of diamonds... Details

05.29  Settlement defense!

It’s been a while since any disturbing news came from one of the most traditionally troubled sections of the Empire’s border. Ever since the elite officer Trolmon and a detachment of brave daredevils restored order in its vicinity, the local patrol has lowered its guard... Details

2008 - 2024   Online games LordsWM