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how to change to old portraits?

Authorhow to change to old portraits?
i don't like these new portraits
I got jump-scared going to my own character page lol
They look horrible and the perspectives and heights are all over the place.
i thought the new ones looked pretty good
I agree with #3. The art and models themselves look nice, but the portraits are very inconsistent when you look at them side by side.
To answer the question: as far as I can tell, you can't.
Just change to Dwarf.. they look the same. ;-)
Also not a fan of the new designs
agree with #3 and #5, I looked at all factions and the troops' faces seem to be more or less in the same-ish position... except for necro/ alt necro
Demilich isn't even in frame lol
the eyes chico... the eyes!

they all glow now as a LED
skeleton dragons look good btw
looks like wiz portraits are updated too
Yea I just saw wizards today
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